A former Amazon recruiter says one of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is putting Miss America-style statements in résumés | Business Insider

A former Amazon recruiter says one of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is putting Miss America-style statements in résumés | Business Insider

A former Amazon recruiter says one of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is putting Miss America-style statements in résumés | Business Insider

In the fast-paced world of job applications, your résumé serves as your first impression. But what if I told you that a common mistake might be holding you back from landing that dream job? According to former Amazon recruiter Lindsay Mustain, many job seekers, from fresh graduates to seasoned executives, are falling into the trap of writing vague statements on their résumés.

Mustain likens these generic statements to what you might hear at a Miss America pageant – they sound nice but lack substance. Phrases like “I had stakeholder meetings with people” might describe your role but fail to showcase your achievements. Instead, Mustain urges applicants to quantify their accomplishments, using concrete numbers to demonstrate how they’ve made a real impact in their roles.

Why does this matter? In a sea of applicants, recruiters are looking for candidates who stand out. Eugene Hayden, who has reviewed hundreds of résumés for companies like Google and KPMG, found that a staggering 86% of them lacked quantifiable achievements. Hiring managers want to see what you did and how you excelled and contributed value to your previous roles.

So, what sets a winning résumé apart? According to Mustain and Hayden, it’s all about showcasing your results. You provide concrete evidence of your capabilities by including metrics and analytics, making it easier for recruiters to gauge your potential fit for the role.

In a world where competition for jobs is fierce, your résumé can be your ticket to success. Don’t just describe your job – highlight your achievements and demonstrate your value to prospective employers……..full-loaf-600x400-1-e1700879832480 A former Amazon recruiter says one of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is putting Miss America-style statements in résumés | Business Insider[read more]

Rising Dough

Rising-Dough-e1700879911412 A former Amazon recruiter says one of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is putting Miss America-style statements in résumés | Business InsiderHow do quantifiable achievements on a résumé impact the hiring process and a company’s ability to evaluate a potential candidate’s suitability for a role?

*Click on the “Full Loaf” icon to read the full article! After you read the full article, let us know your thoughts.

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5f9c5e7a0caf6b852656e62bec109ca3?s=56&d=mm&r=g A former Amazon recruiter says one of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is putting Miss America-style statements in résumés | Business Insider

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713880366bbb592cd5e78041b1ca3412?s=64&d=mm&r=g A former Amazon recruiter says one of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is putting Miss America-style statements in résumés | Business Insider
Katherine M
1 year ago

Quantifiable achievements on resumes impact the hiring process by making the candidate stand out by providing a measurable contrast between candidates. By quantifying achievements you are allowing the company to put a number on your achievement which greatly helps your chances especially if they are impressive.

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Katherine M
Katherine M
1 year ago

Quantifiable achievements on resumes impact the hiring process by making the candidate stand out by providing a measurable contrast between candidates. By quantifying achievements you are allowing the company to put a number on your achievement which greatly helps your chances especially if they are impressive.

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