CINCO DE MAYO – May 5 | National Day Calendar

CINCO DE MAYO – May 5 | National Day Calendar

CINCO DE MAYO – May 5 | National Day Calendar

Cinco De Mayo’s deeply rooted history in the Franco-Mexican War influenced Mexican-Mexican American communities in the early years of the American Civil War. In the early 1860s, as the Civil War erupted, these communities took up the banner of the Cinco De Mayo celebration as a way to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy. Today, in the United States, Americans celebrate Mexican-American heritage and pride annually on May 5th.


Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for “fifth of May.”

On June 7, 2005, the United States Congress issued a Concurrent Resolution. The resolution invited the President of the United States to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe Cinco de Mayo with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

According to José Alamillo, professor of ethnic studies at Washington State University in Pullman, a 2006 study found more than 150 official events celebrating the day.

Celebrations surrounding the observance in the United States take on a significance beyond that in Mexico. They include displaying of banners and events highlighting Mexican culture, music, and regional dancing. School districts also hold special events to educate students about its historical significance. In the U.S., commercial interests the day by celebrating Mexican products and services with an emphasis on beverages, food, and music.


Celebrate Mexican heritage, culture, and history. Explore foods and traditions, music, and cinema. Immerse yourself in the language and discover new connections. Uncover long lost history and share your treasures. Share your Mexican heritage and use #CincodeMayo to post on social media.

Try these recipes to spice up your celebration:

Mexican Bean and Chicken Dip
Mexican Beef & Bean Dip


In 1861, the Battle of Puebla pitched 6,000 French troops against a small, under-supplied Mexican force of 2,000 men. Not expecting to win the campaign, the Mexican army overcame the French in under a day. While the battle didn’t win the war, the victory held great symbolism for Mexico during the Franco-Mexican War and buoyed the army throughout the conflict. Each year, Mexico commemorates the day with celebrations across the country, though it is not a federal holiday……….Bread-Crumbs-e1700879952396 CINCO DE MAYO - May 5 | National Day Calendar[read more]

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2db21e9f92628358d1437984568b6248?s=64&d=mm&r=g CINCO DE MAYO - May 5 | National Day Calendar
Marven Salas
10 months ago

Cinco de Mayo recognizes Mexico’s victory over the Second French Empire led by Napoleon III at the Battle of Puebla in 1862 , this day is a day celebrated for a victory and this celebration has spread out the country even celebrated in the USA .

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Marven Salas
Marven Salas
10 months ago

Cinco de Mayo recognizes Mexico’s victory over the Second French Empire led by Napoleon III at the Battle of Puebla in 1862 , this day is a day celebrated for a victory and this celebration has spread out the country even celebrated in the USA .

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