Key shipping company files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation | TheStreet

Key shipping company files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation | TheStreet

Key shipping company files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation | TheStreet

The COVID-19 pandemic brought supply chains and the often-overlooked role of truck drivers into the spotlight. Before the pandemic, most Americans didn’t give much thought to how the products they needed made it to store shelves. However, when essential items like toilet paper started disappearing from stores, supply chains became a topic of widespread interest.

One major issue was the sudden shift in consumer needs. With people staying at home, the demand for office toilet paper decreased while the demand for home-use rolls surged, leading to a toilet paper shortage. Additionally, production facilities faced challenges due to worker illnesses and the need for social distancing.

Trucking, a crucial link in the supply chain, also faced difficulties during the pandemic. Truck stops, essential for drivers, closed in many areas, making life on the road even more challenging. These challenges shed light on the vital role truck drivers play in keeping our stores stocked and highlighted the fragility of the supply chain.

The trucking industry was already dealing with a shortage of drivers before the pandemic, and this problem is expected to worsen. According to the American Journal of Transportation, the U.S. needs over 80,000 additional truck drivers this year, with a projected shortage of 160,000 by 2030. The shortage is attributed to both the lack of new drivers entering the industry due to poor working conditions, low pay, and limited benefits, and the departure of experienced drivers seeking better opportunities.

Internationally, the shortage of truck drivers is a global issue. The International Road Transport Union’s 2023 report revealed a shortage of over three million truck driver positions in 36 countries studied, with the problem expected to worsen in the coming years………full-loaf-600x400-1-e1700879832480 Key shipping company files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation | TheStreet[read more]

Rising Dough

Rising-Dough-e1700879911412 Key shipping company files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation | TheStreetHow can we address the truck driver shortage, improve working conditions, and incentivize more people to enter the trucking industry, ensuring the stability of the supply chain in the future?

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4f2da4b0f0c40c4e2b59840bf83b1168?s=56&d=mm&r=g Key shipping company files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation | TheStreet

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08cbf1756564f7f373c92ace67c0774b?s=64&d=mm&r=g Key shipping company files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation | TheStreet
znai johnson
1 year ago

Improve Work-Life Balance The issue of work-life balance is increasingly becoming widespread among various industries, the trucking industry notwithstanding.

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znai johnson
znai johnson
1 year ago

Improve Work-Life Balance The issue of work-life balance is increasingly becoming widespread among various industries, the trucking industry notwithstanding.

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