LOOMIS DAY – May 30 | National Day Calendar

LOOMIS DAY – May 30 | National Day Calendar

LOOMIS DAY – May 30 | National Day Calendar

Each year on May 30th, Loomis Day recognizes the man who received the patent for wireless telegraphy in 1872. The Washington, D.C. dentist, Mahlon Loomis, received US patent number 129,971titled “An Improvement in Telegraphing” on wireless telegraphy in July of 1872 beating Guglielmo Marconi’s United Kingdom patent by nearly 25 years.


Born on July 21, 1826, Loomis was also the inventor of artificial teeth and one of the earliest inventors of wireless communication. Loomis died on October 13, 1886.

Leading up to his patent, Loomis conducted many experiments in electricity using kites flying miles apart in the mountains of Virginia. Then in 1868 before several scientists and Congressmen, he demonstrated his wireless telegraphic system. While he couldn’t explain how he was able to produce the transmission, he appealed to Congress for an appropriation to incorporate the Loomis Aerial Telegraph Company for research. Senator Charles Sumner introduced the bill, and on May 30, 1872, the Committee on Commerce reported poorly on the measure. Stripped of its appropriations, it eventually passed in 1873 strictly as a bill of incorporation.


There are many ways to celebrate. Learn more about Mahlon Loomis or the amazing history of the radio. Discover historic places and explore their significance to long-distance communication. While you tune into your favorite radio station or recall using a walkie-talkie, consider the long-range history.

Use #LoomisDay to post on social media.


Richard Birch of Puns Corp founded Loomis Day.

May 30th Celebrated History


The first Decoration Day is celebrated. The holiday, honoring those who died performing their military duties, was a predecessor of Memorial Day.


Carl Fisher hosts the first Indy 500. Driver Ray Haroun wins the race.


President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation deeming June 14th as Flag Day. President Wilson stated, “It is the anniversary of the day upon which the flag of the United States was adopted by the Congress as the emblem of the Union.”


The Lincoln Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C.


After almost a decade of crewless missions, NASA contracted with SpaceX to launch The Crew Dragon Demo-2 with astronauts Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken on board. The test flight to the International Space Station included automated docking, undocking and spacewalks.

May 30th Celebrated Birthdays

Elly Beinhorn – 1907

The German pilot was known for her solo flights across continents, including the United States.

Countee Cullen – 1903

One of the Harlem Renaissance’s noted voices, Poet Countee Cullen authored several books including Color and his only novel One Way to Heaven.

Benny Goodman – 1909

The American jazz clarinetist and bandleader earned the name King of Jazz. During his career, he played with jazz greats Fats Waller, Billie Holiday and Glenn Miller.

Joseph William Kennedy – 1916

In 1940, Joseph W. Kennedy, Glen T. Seaborg, Edwin McMillan, and Arthur Wahl discovered plutonium at the Berkeley Radiation laboratory.

Wynonna Judd – 1964

In 1983, Wynonna and her mother Naomi launched their career with RCA. Since then, Wynonna also launched a successful solo career…………….Bread-Crumbs-e1700879952396 LOOMIS DAY - May 30 | National Day Calendar[read more]

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