NATIONAL CHOCOLATE PARFAIT DAY – May 1 | National Dat Calendar

NATIONAL CHOCOLATE PARFAIT DAY – May 1 | National Dat Calendar

NATIONAL CHOCOLATE PARFAIT DAY – May 1 | National Dat Calendar

We have a hard time resisting a sweet celebration for National Chocolate Parfait Day on May 1. The delicious layers of chocolate, cream, and more chocolate sweetly stacked together is enough to make us skip lunch and go straight to dessert.


Enjoying a delicious chocolate parfait on May 1 would be the perfect way to end your day, or start it. We will leave that up to you to decide. We simply provide you with an opportunity to indulge on the scrumptious food holiday.

In French, the word parfait means perfect. French and Americans, however, have a differing opinions on what a parfait really is. The traditional French parfait is made by boiling cream, adding egg, sugar and syrup then creating a custard-type puree, which is then frozen. Americans, on the other hand, layer ingredients of differing varieties. Both French and Americans use a clear, tall glass when serving a chocolate parfait. 

While National Chocolate Parfait Day focuses on the chocolate parfait, that does not mean you cannot experiment with other fresh flavors. For example, fresh fruit and cream go quite well with chocolate. You can top can add other ingredients, such as pretzels or cookie bits. The options are limitless and can only be hindered by by your imagination.

Some people may consider a chocolate parfait a comfort food. Though a parfait can be made into a healthy food, today is about indulging and treating yourself with a chocolate parfait! We will, however meet the healthy people half way by recommending adding strawberries or raspberries to your parfait. 


  1. Enjoy your version of a chocolate parfait today with family and friends.
  2. Create a chocolate parfait bar with a variety of ingredients to all everyone to build their own parfait.
  3. Share your photos and recipes on social media using #ChocolateParfaitDay.


We were unable to find the creator of this fun food holiday.  Our research did find this scrumptious dessert dates back to 1894 and seems to have originated in France…………Bread-Crumbs-e1700879952396 NATIONAL CHOCOLATE PARFAIT DAY - May 1 | National Dat Calendar[read more]

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695cce1d3cee26fdf894c936683caa33?s=64&d=mm&r=g NATIONAL CHOCOLATE PARFAIT DAY - May 1 | National Dat Calendar
10 months ago

National Chocolate Day is a super sweet celebration that happens on October 28th every year. It’s the perfect day to indulge in all things chocolatey and delicious! Whether it’s a chocolate bar, a rich chocolate cake, or even hot cocoa, it’s a day to treat yourself and enjoy the amazing taste of chocolate.

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10 months ago

National Chocolate Day is a super sweet celebration that happens on October 28th every year. It’s the perfect day to indulge in all things chocolatey and delicious! Whether it’s a chocolate bar, a rich chocolate cake, or even hot cocoa, it’s a day to treat yourself and enjoy the amazing taste of chocolate.

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