NATIONAL STREAMING DAY – May 20 | National Day Calendar

NATIONAL STREAMING DAY – May 20 | National Day Calendar

NATIONAL STREAMING DAY – May 20 | National Day Calendar

National Streaming Day on May 20 recognizes the advancing and growing technology that makes our mobile lives run more smoothly.


The first computer was invented in the 1940s. It wasn’t until the late 1990s that streaming became accessible. Since then, technology has made huge advancement, resulting in the option to stream just about anything. Luckily, the attraction of streaming pushes technology to improve speed and accessibility.  As technology changes, so does are need to meet our streaming expectations.

Streaming plays such an important part in our daily life we overlook the benefits it provides us. If you look past what we expect, most people would understand the amazing benefits streaming provides. Streaming provides:

  • Opportunity to take the service with us just about anywhere.
  • Ability to customize our own video preferences.
  • Businesses and organizations optional training methods and coordinates meetings.
  • Connection with people from across the world in real time.
  • A cost-efficient alternative to conduct daily activities.
  • Entertainment.

Streaming formats also come in all shapes and sizes. Some services offer music and video streaming, while others offer on-demand services. Despite the varieties available, all streaming services provide benefits to our modern lives.

Today, almost everyone uses some sort of streaming device. Unsurprisingly, there are many types of streaming devices available. Choosing a streaming device is often based on personal preference. The most popular streaming devices are:

  • Roku Stick 4K Plus;
  • Chromecast;
  • Amazon Fire; and
  • Apple TV.


  • Watch movies, work videos, and television shows at a time that is convenient for you.
  • Listen to a variety of music, podcasts, or books on any device.
  • Teach an elder how to stream.
  • Share tips to people online on how to stream online.
  • Share your favorite apps, service and shows.
  • Describe your favorite way to stream and tag #NationalStreamingDay on social media.


In 2014, Roku founded National Streaming Day to celebrate their 10th Anniversary…………..Bread-Crumbs-e1700879952396 NATIONAL STREAMING DAY - May 20 | National Day Calendar[read more]

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