SCHOOL PRINCIPALS’ DAY | May 1 | National Day Calendar

SCHOOL PRINCIPALS’ DAY | May 1 | National Day Calendar

SCHOOL PRINCIPALS’ DAY | May 1 | National Day Calendar

School Principals’ Day on May 1 is your reminder to take time to today and say thank you to the educational leaders who look after your children every day. After all, they guide academic success and set the tone for an entire school.


Principals are some of the hardest working, yet can be the most underappreciated people in the education system. Without them, a school would not operate on a daily basis. They set the academic tone by encouraging students to thrive. They implement their vision through dedication and determination to provide a successful and positive environment for students and teachers. 

Throughout the academic year, school principals’ assume the commitment to lead students to a prosperous future. They support and guide quality teachers and staff, resulting in productive learning environments for our children. Whether they lead an elementary, middle, or high school, a principal shows leadership skills while being approachable. In fact, many students see their principals as role models because they are approachable.

Teachers rely on principals to ensure the schools provide the necessary equipment and resources. They also rely on principals to counsel and discipline students when needed. However, the role of a principal is not limited to just their office setting. A principal represents the school at community events, including sporting events. They also meet with superintendents and community members for various reasons. School principals prepare reports about staff, the needs of staff and students, and suggestions to help their school operate better. 

7 WAYS TO CELEBRATE #SchoolPrincipalsDay

  1. Organize an event to thank your principal.
  2. Bring breakfast, coffee, or just a thank card, letting your school principal know you appreciate all their time and patience with the kids and parents.
  3. Give a shout out to a school principal who influenced you during your academic career.
  4. Break out the yearbook and share a photo and let them know how important they were to you.
  5. Volunteer at your school.
  6. Support your school’s extracurricular activities such as band, choir, speech, and athletics.
  7. Use #SchoolPrincipalsDay to share on social media.


Janet Dellaria of Trout Creek, Michigan, founded School Principals’ Day to recognize all the dedicated leaders in schools from elementary through high school……….Bread-Crumbs-e1700879952396 SCHOOL PRINCIPALS' DAY | May 1 | National Day Calendar[read more]

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695cce1d3cee26fdf894c936683caa33?s=64&d=mm&r=g SCHOOL PRINCIPALS' DAY | May 1 | National Day Calendar
10 months ago

National Principals Day is a special day to recognize and appreciate the amazing work that principals do in our schools. They are the leaders who help create a positive learning environment, support teachers, and ensure that students have the best educational experience possible. Principals play a crucial role in shaping the future of students and schools.

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10 months ago

National Principals Day is a special day to recognize and appreciate the amazing work that principals do in our schools. They are the leaders who help create a positive learning environment, support teachers, and ensure that students have the best educational experience possible. Principals play a crucial role in shaping the future of students and schools.

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