Americans have an exact salary they think they need to earn to be financially independent—and it’s not six figures | Fortune

Americans have an exact salary they think they need to earn to be financially independent—and it’s not six figures | Fortune

Americans have an exact salary they think they need to earn to be financially independent—and it’s not six figures | Fortune

What does it mean to have “made it” in life? Is it all about six-figure salaries, fancy cars, and dream job titles? According to recent research, for most Americans, it’s simpler than that—it’s about achieving financial independence. In a survey of 2,000 adults in the U.S. conducted by Empower financial services, a whopping 67% of respondents said that reaching financial independence was the most important marker of success.

Interestingly, financial independence doesn’t require as much wealth as you might think. While over half of those surveyed believed they needed $233,000 to live comfortably in today’s climate, the average American pegged the annual income needed to feel financially independent at about $94,000—still higher than the median household income of $74,580.

But achieving financial freedom can be challenging, especially for young people who face soaring rental costs and student debt while navigating a tough job market. Over half of the survey respondents admitted they rely on family and friends for financial support, especially for essentials like rent, internet, and phone bills.

So, how do people define financial independence? For some, it’s being able to live off passive income and enjoy a life without the daily grind. For most, it means not needing financial help from others, essentially establishing a life away from the family home. Surprisingly, 92% of financially independent adults surveyed said they didn’t achieve this status until they reached the age of 36.

Ultimately, the definition of financial independence may vary from person to person. Empower’s financial expert, Keith Jones, advises that individuals should focus on their own financial goals and clarity, as this provides direction and purpose in working toward a more secure and satisfying financial future………full-loaf-600x400-1-e1700879832480 Americans have an exact salary they think they need to earn to be financially independent—and it’s not six figures | Fortune[read more]

Rising Dough

Rising-Dough-e1700879911412 Americans have an exact salary they think they need to earn to be financially independent—and it’s not six figures | FortuneWhat role do changing economic circumstances, like soaring rental costs and student debt, play in redefining the concept of financial independence for today’s younger generation?

*Click on the “Full Loaf” icon to read the full article! After you read the full article, let us know your thoughts.

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5c80174a26ee186876dc765c8fad6f9c?s=56&d=mm&r=g Americans have an exact salary they think they need to earn to be financially independent—and it’s not six figures | Fortune

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2bb9ae8d5dae75b56f1f45ed9e77092b?s=64&d=mm&r=g Americans have an exact salary they think they need to earn to be financially independent—and it’s not six figures | Fortune
1 year ago

Financial dependence is solely based on student debt and the soaring rental costs. Soaring rental costs prohibit people from being able to provide for themself because they cannot afford even a small apartment for one. Student debt takes away majority if not all of this generations money because university costs inflate so much it is equivalent to a down payment for a house if not more. Changing these money stealers by making these prices go down can greatly benefit the new generation as they are not interested in having a family and just providing for one and living the best they can in their younger years.

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1 year ago

Financial dependence is solely based on student debt and the soaring rental costs. Soaring rental costs prohibit people from being able to provide for themself because they cannot afford even a small apartment for one. Student debt takes away majority if not all of this generations money because university costs inflate so much it is equivalent to a down payment for a house if not more. Changing these money stealers by making these prices go down can greatly benefit the new generation as they are not interested in having a family and just providing for one and living the best they can in their younger years.

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