NATIONAL COLORADO DAY – April 12 | National Day Calendar

NATIONAL COLORADO DAY – April 12 | National Day Calendar

NATIONAL COLORADO DAY – April 12 | National Day Calendar

Spanish first explored Colorado seeking streets paved with gold. After Colorado became a U.S. territory, Lieutenant Zebulon Pike explored the range of the newly acquired land. A summit he predicted would never be scaled bears his name today. Gold would be discovered setting off a fever in the mountains. A silver boom would soon follow.

Known as the Centennial State, Colorado entered the union on August 1, 1876.

National Parks and More

Rocky Mountain National Park provides breathtaking views, trails, skiing, camping, and more. For the thrill-seekers, Colorado hears your call. With an elevation higher than any other state, Colorado counts 53 mountain peaks that reach 14,000 feet or more making the state’s rugged landscape attractive for hikers and rock climbers. Known as 14ers in the mountaineering world, these peaks are on a climbing to-do list.

Not only does Colorado have phenomenal skiing and snowboarding, but because the state has the tallest dunes in North America, sandboarding is also the best in the nation.

Space and technology play a pivotal role in Colorado. From the mysteries deep in the mountain at Colorado Springs to the 21st Space Wing. Of course, there is no lack of historical figures in the state. From the unsinkable Molly Brown to Buffalo Bill there is something for vintage enthusiasts and those who prefer to visit the old homestead days.

Colorado also stakes claim to the creation of the creamy and delicious root beer float! Those white frosty peaks of ice cream in churning dark root beer seem appropriate somehow for the Rocky Mountain State.


  • Join National Day Calendar® as we explore the summits and valleys of Colorado.
  • Take a hike over a rocky trail or visit the bustling capital city.
  • Play a little John Denver.
  • Discover out-of-the-way places.
  • Visit these 9 Colorado Restaurants for the Best Rocky Mountain Oysters
  • Share your favorites by using #NationalColoradoDay to post on social media.

Coloradans You Should Know

As the first woman to graduate from Johns Hopkins Medical School, Florence Sabin went on to become the school’s first female professor. Sabin built her career reputation on research into the role of white blood cells, tuberculosis, and immunology.

Bandleader, Paul Whiteman, produced numerous jazz recordings and was often billed as the “King of Jazz.”
In 1921, Mary Cronin became the first woman to climb all 58 of the fourteen-thousand-foot peaks in Colorado. Known as 14ers, North Carbonate Peak was renamed Cronin Peak in 2005.

One of the highest paid screenwriters during the 1930s, Marguerite Roberts wrote several westerns. One, True Grit, was John Wayne’s only Oscar win. Roberts was blacklisted for nine years for refusing to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947.

Award-winning screenwriter, Dalton Trumbo, was blacklisted for refusing to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee along with other members of Hollywood. Spartacus and Roman Holiday are two of his most noted scripts.

Journalist, author and playwright, Mary McDonough Coyle Chase became best known for her imaginary characters. Her play Harvey starred Jimmy Stewart when it came to the big screen in 1950.

Williard Libby developed the technique for determining the age of organic artifacts called carbon dating. In 1960, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry his contributions to archaeology, geology, geophysics and other sciences.

Best known for his roles as Zorro, Robin Hood, and a musketeer, Douglas Fairbanks played debonair characters during the silent age of film. He was both a founding member of United Artists and The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

In 1959, Ruth Handler designed a doll that she would name after her daughter. Barbie™ would become one of Mattel’s best-selling toys, and she would take on many roles, too. From astronaut to teacher, cowgirl and cartoon character, Barbie and her counterpart Ken would become a household mainstay.

Robert Seiwald along with Joseph H. Burkhalter receive credit for helping synthesize the compound used today for rapid and accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases. Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) earned them a place in The National Inventors Hall of Fame.

A pioneer in space exploration, Scott Carpenter became the second American to orbit the Earth. Carpenter left the surface of land behind by being both an astronaut and aquanaut.

Once the owner of Chili’s, Norman Brinker developed numerous restaurant concepts including the salad bar.
Inspired by his experience during a U.S. Army study, Ken Kesey wrote the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. He later wrote a second work, Sometimes a Great Notion. Both were adapted to film, the former earning five Academy Awards.

Musician and composer, Larry Dunn, is best known for his role as sound engineer and playing keyboard for Earth, Wind & Fire. Together, they won six Grammy Awards in the 70s and 80s and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000.

Nordic combined skier, Johnny Spillane is a three-time Olympic silver medalist. The event includes ski jumping and cross-country skiing…………..Bread-Crumbs-e1700879952396 NATIONAL COLORADO DAY - April 12 | National Day Calendar[read more]

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fdfbd7efdf4413e61812af22909984f3?s=64&d=mm&r=g NATIONAL COLORADO DAY - April 12 | National Day Calendar
9 months ago

Colorado= Snow, Mountains, and skiing. Most importantly the infamous meme from ‘Vine’ (an old vide comedy creator app) where the man behind the camera yells: “Everybody say Colorado! *while taking a video of a woman* and a man in a giraffe patterned suit interrupts on a snowboard in front of the woman *skiing fast* he interjects; “IM A GIRAFFE!!”

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9 months ago

Colorado= Snow, Mountains, and skiing. Most importantly the infamous meme from ‘Vine’ (an old vide comedy creator app) where the man behind the camera yells: “Everybody say Colorado! *while taking a video of a woman* and a man in a giraffe patterned suit interrupts on a snowboard in front of the woman *skiing fast* he interjects; “IM A GIRAFFE!!”

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