NATIONAL PIE DAY – December 1 | National Day Calendar
Each year on December 1st, dessert lovers across the United States enjoy a slice of their favorite on National Pie Day. Pie is so delicious we celebrate it twice a year. The more popular date is January 23rd.
While it might be the lesser of the two celebrated PIE days (don’t forget National Pi Day on March 14th), it happens to fall smack dab in the middle of a major pie-making season.
Take away ice cream as a dessert choice, and most people choose either cake people or pie people. Or, to put it another way, most people have cake or pie with their ice cream! The day combines our bumper fruit crops with a booming holiday season full of baked goods, cool weather, and rosy-cheeked children. It’s definitely time to tie on those apron strings and get baking.
Of course, we make more than fruit pies! Savory pot pies provide comfort on a cold winter’s day and the satisfaction a family cook needs when caring for a family.
Bake up your favorite pie or enjoy some leftover slices from the holidays. Visit the National Day Calendar® Recipe pages to discover some delicious pie-making. We also offer some others, too. When it comes to pie, or any food really, it is best enjoyed with others. Invite someone over for your best pie and coffee. Maybe there’s a friend you haven’t seen for a while. Pie starts conversations, and they’re a great way to #CelebrateEveryDay too!………[read more]
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