Nike to cut about 2% jobs to lower costs as demand weakens | Reuters

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Johnny O.
Johnny O.
1 year ago

In the case of consumer demand, an organization might decide to lay off workers or otherwise if they are not getting as much sales as they should. They may also stave off continuing to expand at a mass level if they feel that their strategy is not up to the demand of their consumer base. There are many reactions an organization may have based on the simple needs of supply and demand.

1 year ago

When it comes to consumer demand it all depends on how many people buy it and reviews on it because if less people buy a product the cost gets lower and if it gets to the point where no one buys it or anything it gets hard for the company because workers get laid off and it could even get to the point where the business gets shut down. So it is never up to the company how well a product does but it always depends on how well the product sells and how much consumers are willing to pay for the product.

Camari Bell
Camari Bell
1 year ago

Laying off workers could cause more revenue or it could decrease it because less people are working which could cause less production.

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